Sunday, 6 April 2014


After enjoying many wargames blogs on the net providing decent entertaining reading material I thought I'd have a go and show case my ever increasing 28mm armies, share my experiences of games played and shows attended, along with slices of life from my part of the world, Yorkshire, known far and wide as God's country.

First a bit about what you can expect from my little piece of the net. At the moment I'm 'into' the Great Italian Wars. I'm building armies for the Papal States and to run alongside these as Allies, the Spanish. Landsknechtes feature a bit as mercenaries but as yet, no Swiss- this will no doubt change eventually. I've amassed quite a collection over the last couple of years but with the Perrys releasing more and more beautiful figures the collection will continue to grow.

I'll post as and when I can to introduce my existing units and show the new ones' as they are completed. To start with this is probably my favourite unit at the moment, as with most of my wargaming friends, favourite units tend to change quite regularly!

 This unit is to represent the Romangols. I like to base each unit up to portray a small scenario, these are receiving payment from the Popes' envoy to ensure their loyalty for the upcoming battle.

This unit is built primarily with Perry plastics with added metals for variety. As most armours were similar throughout Europe at this time I've no problem with adding 15th Century knights as leaders to this unit. The unit itself is a militia pike block kitted out from Rome.
As this is a test post I'll leave it here and see if I can post it properly.


  1. Lovely work Jim. The secret to a good blog is to keep it regularly fed.Looking forward to reading more. Cheers Wayne.

  2. Alright Wayne, I'll give it a go mate, see how things pan out with life, kids, work, gaming etc.
    Hope to see you at Salute mate.
